Sex & Sexual

Menopause and Your Sexuality

In the years around menopause, you may experience changes in your sex life. Some women say they enjoy sex more. Other women find that they think about sex less often or don't enjoy it as much.
(Office on Women’s Health)

Yes, You Can Have Better Sex in Midlife and in the Years Beyond

If sustaining intimacy is becoming more difficult, there are many approaches that can help.

9 Ways to Boost Your Libido During Menopause

Low libido is a common part of the menopause experience—one that can be exacerbated by sleep loss, mood swings, and hot flashes. But your sex drive isn't gone forever once you hit menopause.

How Sex Can Change After Menopause?

Some of the hormonal changes during menopause could make it harder for you to get in the mood to have sex. They could even make it harder to actually have sex. Know that you’re not alone..
(Planned Parenthood)

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