Your Body & The Changes

Your Essential Guide to the Stages of Menopause

Menopause is a journey that can take a decade or more. It is not surprising that there are many different stages to a typical menopause journey.

Wait, Does Menopause Also Affect My Teeth?!

As progesterone and estrogen levels shift during menopause, our ENTIRE body is affected — from our brains to our skin to our hearts to our breasts to, yes, our teeth and gums too.
(Elektra Health)

Menopause and Your Heart

Before the menopause, women in general have a lower risk of being affected by coronary heart disease. But after the menopause, your risk increases but there are steps you can take to manage your risk and take care of your heart health.
(British Heart Foundation)

Not feeling like yourself? It could be perimenopause

Findings and published research suggest that in many women, the menopausal transition may start earlier than traditionally believed. A more nuanced understanding of what lurks behind the complaint of “not feeling like myself” could help women take better control of their health”
(Washington Post)

Studies blame celebrity campaigns for giving menopause a bad name

“Changing the narrative to view menopause as part of healthy ageing may better empower women to navigate this life stage and reduce fear and trepidation amongst those who have yet to experience it.”
(The Times)

6 Unexpected Benefits You’ll Be Happy to Know About Menopause

Going through menopause may cause changes to your body, but it also means a new phase in your life. Read on to learn about the positive side of menopause.(Everyday Health)

Bone Health and Menopause – 6 Ways to Stop Bone Loss during Menopause

You’ve probably heard that women experience bone loss during menopause. It’s true, and for the most women, nature provides ample bone mass to accommodate this normal perimenopausal and menopausal bone loss.
(Women’s Health Network)

What are the Negative Effects of Menopause?

When you enter menopause, you can no longer produce eggs and become pregnant. Other than that, menopause has a whole host of negative effects on the body.
(Balance My Hormones)

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